Masterclass 1 — The World of Entrepreneurship (Auslan)

There is a lot of hype about and glamorisation of “entrepreneurship” in today’s world. Entrepreneurship is often used interchangeably with the words “start-ups” and “tech”, with many people thinking that to be an entrepreneur, you need to have a tech business.

In this masterclass we explore the historical roots of entrepreneurship, the different types of entrepreneurship, and what it takes to be a successful business owner. When do you go from being someone with a business idea, to an entrepreneur? What do you have to be made of?

What will I learn?

  • The different types of entrepreneurs – and which type you are
  • Traits of a successful entrepreneur, and how these relate to you and your business aspirations
  • The importance of entrepreneurial role models and how they can help keep you going

What will I get from this masterclass?

  • A better understanding of yourself as a future entrepreneur
  • Clear knowledge of which entrepreneurial role models inspire and motivate you
  • Comprehensive insight into the entrepreneurial space
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Program Includes

  • 6 Modules