
Survival tips for entrepreneurs: 4 things you can do to avoid burnout

Mehra Lester

Posted on July 30, 2024

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Research shows that entrepreneurs and high achievers are at a higher risk of experiencing burnout. Entrepreneur burnout is a common issue that affects many business owners, leading to job dissatisfaction, poor decision-making, and physical and mental health problems. With relentless schedules, many business owners struggle to achieve a healthy work-life balance. With that in mind, how can one achieve sustainable success as a business owner? This article delves deeper into how to break out of the burnout cycle.

The dark side of passion-led entrepreneurship

Passion is a critical driver in any business. But what happens when you wake up and suddenly realise that your passion has led to extreme exhaustion? Or when every day becomes a struggle rather than enjoyable?

A recent study of 326 business owners showed that although entrepreneurs generally have the autonomy to design their own jobs, they are at a higher risk of experiencing burnout. Of the surveyed entrepreneurs, most experienced some burnout. But some were more burned out than others. 25% of entrepreneurs felt moderately burned out, and 3% felt strongly burned out.
Feelings of burnout, in general, can lead to job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, poor decision-making, and even physical and mental health problems like depression, heart disease, and, in severe cases, death.

What makes entrepreneurs burn out

Survival Tips for Entrepreneurs: 4 Things You Can Do to Avoid Burnout

Entrepreneurs are more at risk of burnout because they tend to be highly passionate about work and more socially isolated, have limited safety nets, and operate in high uncertainty.

As a business owner or founder, the responsibility of maintaining a work-life balance falls squarely on your shoulders. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations, but sacrificing this balance can lead to high levels of stress and eventual burnout.

The intense pressure and demands of entrepreneurship can also lead to frustration, isolation, and losing control over one’s health. It’s like being on a rollercoaster that never stops. You’re on top of the world one month, achieving unprecedented milestones, and the following month, you’re feeling burnt out and ready to give up.

This is called “entrepreneurial burnout”, a slow and sneaky thief that can erode your spirit and leave you empty. Unfortunately, this issue affects many business owners.

How to break the burnout cycle

But how can one achieve a sustainable peak performance? Research shows that 95% of entrepreneurs are unsure of how to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

This is why it is of high importance that every entrepreneur has a survival kit to get through difficult times and minimise the risk of burnout. What should be in a self-care kit and how can you avoid burnout? Here are four things you can do:

1. Stay connected to your tribe

Setting up your venture means a lot of hard work and early mornings and late nights. There can be a lot of financial strain and minimal social interactions with your friends and family. It can be hard to explain why you chose this path to our friends and family. This is when you must reach out to your tribe of other entrepreneurs or like-minded people who know what it feels like to walk in your shoes.

2. Nurture your body

Nurturing your body can help you manage stress and improve your energy levels. In addition, as we all know, exercise is essential for physical and mental health. It helps release endorphins, which are mood lifters. It also reduces stress, depression, and anxiety. So, eat nutritional foods to feed your body and soul, and exercise regularly to maintain energy.

3. Take regular breaks

Remember that as a founder, you are your company’s most valuable asset, and hence, you need to take breaks and invest in yourself to grow and expand your horizons. Your brain needs breaks from your daily routine now and then to stay focused and sharp. Taking a break helps you return to work revitalized and refocused and should be encouraged.

4. Delegate responsibility

If implemented correctly, delegating tasks to your team has many benefits, including significantly improving productivity and overall business success. By entrusting responsibilities to others, you can free up your time and energy to focus on high-level business strategies that drive growth and innovation.

High achievers, especially entrepreneurs, are at a higher risk of burnout due to their demanding jobs. However, it is essential to understand that having feelings of burnout is not a sign of weakness. It’s a real issue that affects many people who run successful businesses and can be managed by having the right tools in hand and reaching out for support to the right people in your network. Sign up for our YoungGems® Masterclass – The World of Entrepreneurship to learn more about how to break the burnout cycle.

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